Talking to someone today reminded me of a life lesson I learned at around 17 years of age. I was talking to a friend's Father about random things and we got onto the topic of material possessions. He shared with me his personal belief about "things". The back story on the thread of this … [Read more...]
Another Level Mastermind — in Ultra-VIP-Luxury
Because the Las Vegas Party of May is now but a memory...The Epic Las Vegas Mansion Party - Is locked-in for mid-May 2018. BUT, I am having Epic Vegas Party Withdrawal. This leaves me with the most obvious and appropriate thoughts for a cure... Having a bit of a … [Read more...]
#Winning in life
It's true. We don't always feel like winners. IT's also true that we should feel like winners more often. It's our destiny. I discovered long ago that the secret is in something called mental strength. But, how do you get this mental strength? I've been on a lifelong journey to exercise … [Read more...]
How do you wear Luxury Watches and get paid to do so?
We all know that people notice what we wear. People even judge others by their wardrobe, jewelry, watches and shoes. It's just a fact. How would you like to wear the most luxurious watches without breaking the bank? What if you could wear the best, most desirable watches and rotate which … [Read more...]
Private Jet Life
Before you say, that's not me...I'm a country loving, four wheeler driving, hunting and fishing salt of the earth kind of person and not one of those high rolling jet-setters... Consider this: By flying private you avoid the TSA cavity searches, long lines, cranky people and immensely wasted … [Read more...]